Dear all the team
I'm reaching out to say thank you so much for taking the time and attention needed with my son, who was in your care on Saturday night. This has really opened my eyes to the invaluable work you all do, the professional way you do it and as a parent I can't thank you enough.
I just wanted to let you know how amazing and life saving you all are.
Hi, I would like to take this time to thank you for helping with my son in the early hours of the morning when he was assaulted with 3/4 males and sustained some not so nice injuries you guys and gals do an amazing job and I wish it was more recognised within Glasgow Thank you from a very glad mum
Can’t thank you enough for looking after my daughter tonight, appreciate this so much
hi there, can I take this opertunity to thank all ur team who dealt with my son last night, he got home during the night, but I honestly can't thank u all enough for your help, I'm really sorry I can only vagley remember ur names, as I promised last night a donation will be made to ur charity when my son next gets paid and it definitely will be done.
thank you all from the bottom of my heart and I will sure be making the ppl that I know aware of the fantastic job uz do in Glasgow City centre
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Glasgow Street Aid (SCIO), IS A REGISTERED charity IN SCOTLAND WITH charity NUMBER SC050704.
mailing / Delivery address: Glasgow Street Aid, 56 Union Street, Glasgow, SCOTLAND, G1 3QX.
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